Senior Accredited Supervisor
I provide both Face to Face and Onine Consultations via skype or Zoom.
I have been a supervisor for over twenty years, and a senior accredited supervisor for over
thirteen years. I have been working with individuals and groups within the BACP guidelines
and ethics for good practice.
“Counselling Supervision is a formal and mutually agreed arrangement for counsellors to
discuss their work regularly… “(BACP and NCPS Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Good Practice for Supervisors of Counsellors & Psychotherapists)”. The aim is to develop a relationship with
your supervisor who is there to help you reflect on your practice and develop your
counselling work.
As an integrative supervisor I am experienced in supervising groups and individuals in private
practice, in training organisations and various agencies. My aim in supervision is to provide a
creative atmosphere so that you can explore and experience the richness and variety of your
work within your model.
Supervisees usually contract for weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions of 60 mins –
90 mins duration. The frequency of supervision varies according to the volume of
counselling, experience, work setting and professional requirements. I provide support to
you with your case work material, ongoing professional development, including student
counsellors enrolled on training courses and counsellors working towards accreditation.
I provide support to you with your case work material, ongoing professional development,
including student counsellors enrolled on training courses and counsellors working towards
I offer distance supervision through Skype or Facetime. Please click here for further information.